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Moth Trapping with Reuben Singleton - 03/08/2023

Writer's picture: Alexander LintottAlexander Lintott

It had been almost four years since Reuben did a moth trap survey, with that in mind there was an undertone of trepidation upon his arrival. He arrived on the 3rd of August after dusk to set up his trap in the wall garden here at Merlindale, in the hopes of attracting the 99% declined V-moth. With everything set up there was nothing to do but wait till morning.

Upon arrival the trap was brimming with life. We'd been lucky again, and among the plethora of different species, one particular moth stood out once more - the V-moth! A wave of relief came over us, it was jaw dropping really, that this elusive animal had managed to live through the hardships of what are Scottish seasons in such as small pocket of old black current bushes (as this is all they are attracted too).

There were other highlights of course, namely: the swallow tail moth, elephant hawk moth, burnished brass as well as many others whose names unfortunately slip from my mind.

The V-moth

The elephant hawk moth

The swallow tail moth

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